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文档介绍:第 34 卷第 10 期电网技术 Vol. 34 No. 10 2010 年 10 月 Power System Technology Oct. 2010 文章编号: 1000-3673 ( 2010 ) 10-0006-04 中图分类号: TM 734 文献标志码: A 学科代码: 470·4051 智能调度分布式一体化建模方案米为民 1 ,荆铭 2 ,尚学伟 1 ,徐丹丹 1 ,蒋国栋 1 ,付辉 1 ( 1 .中国电力科学研究院,北京市海淀区 100192 ; 2 .山东电力调度中心,山东省济南市 250001 ) Distributed and Integrated Modeling of Intelligent Dispatch MI Weimin 1, JING Ming 2, SHANG Xuewei 1, XU Dandan 1 , JIANG Guodong 1 , FU Hui 1 (1. China Electric Power Research Institute , Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China; 2. Shandong Electric Power Dispatching Cent er, Jinan 250001, Shandong Province, China) ABSTRACT: The construction of intelligent dispatching makes demand of sharing information among dispatching centers, for this reason a distributed integrated modeling scheme for intelligent dispatching is proposed. In the proposed scheme the sharing of gra phs, data and models are implemented by model informat ion linkage technique among different levels of dispatching systems; by means of such technologies as model split ting/merging, online dynamic equivalence of work and so on the model and graph of whole power grid are built a nd real-time operation data is acquired; by means of the te chnology of model information subscription, individual mode l inform