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专题七 形容词.doc

上传人:DOC KING 2011/12/2 文件大小:0 KB


专题七 形容词.doc



()1. —Look!How ________ the boys are!
—Yes. They won the game this afternoon. ( 陕西)
A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited
()2. If you want to speak English well, it’s ________ for you to practice as often as possible. ( 太原)
A. necessary B. different C. wrong
()3. —There will be ________ people in Beijing than usual because of all the visitors to the Olympics.
—Right. We Chinese should feel part of the Olympics and try our best to help!( 哈尔滨)
A. many B. more C. most
()4. —What do you think of the TV Home With Kids?
—It’s very ________. Many children like watching it. ( 福州)
A. boring B. funny C. surprising D. terrible
()5. The air in the countryside is ________. So many people from the city go there on weekends.
( 河北)
A. soft B. pretty C. fresh D. delicious
()6. —May I have another cake?
—You’d better not. You shouldn’t go swimming on a ________ stomach. ( 武汉)
A. hot B. hungry C. fat D. full
()7. I think real cards are ________ than e-cards. ( 北京)
A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest
()8. Mrs King kept weighing herself to see how much ________ she was getting. ( 南京)
A. heavy B. heavier C. the heavier D. the heaviest
()9. —How far is it to the airport? 20 kilometers?
—No, it’s ________. About 30 kilometers. ( 河南)
A. far B. farther C. the farther D. the farthest
()10. —What delicious ca


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