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上传人:非学无以广才 2021/3/1 文件大小:15 KB






  Basic information
  Name: Fan xx Sex: Male
  Date of Birth: July 8, 1987 National: Han
  Account is located: At present, Xi'an in Shaanxi Province where: Hunan Yiyang
  Graduate institutions: the political landscape of Xi'an Institute of Finance and Economics: the Chinese Communist party members
  Highest level of education: a professional college of the repair: the management of public utilities
  Personnel types: ordinary job graduation date: June 2021
  Job intentions
  Job type: Full-time
  Position: Sales Clerk Chief Editor
  Hope Location: Changsha, Yiyang
  Wish to pay: Negotiable
  I am cheerful personality, positive, and have a good team spirit, strong communication skills in the organization. While studying at the school to participate in the activities of a number of social practice, is the school Mission Committee, the backbone of the Student Union, the competence and social adaptability, good writing, words have a stronger organizational capacity and ability to express language. Others in good faith, diligent, steadfast, strong sense of responsibility characteristics I; pro-active, strong resistance is my advantage. Not afraid to lose the courage to face the opportunities and challenges of each.
  Educational background
  From September 2021 to June 2021 in Xi'an Institute of Finance and Economics undergraduate mana


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