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上传人:wwlgqnh 2021/3/1 文件大小:193 KB






Education 类
Some people think students should be allowed to evaluate their teachers’ job performance. Others believe that will lead to loss of respect and discipline. Discuss and give your own opinion.
开头段(不少于 4句) In this day and age, it is standard practice for business executive to fill out performance-evaluation forms to give their assessment of their subordinates’ work. But when it comes to the evaluation of school teachers’ job performance by their students, people hold divergent views. Some argue that students should be allowed to do so. Others contend that disrespect and indiscipline will ensue if students evaluate their teachers work. Personally, I believe both these two views have some merit.
主体段 1(不少于 5句)
Granted, there could be some possible drawbacks to students’ evaluating their teachers’ work. First, if not well-managed, evaluation by the students may be completely worthless or even misleading. It is manifest that not all students would give their evaluation responsibly and some students may make mean comments. Secondly, some students criticize their teacher not because their teachers have a slack attitude about their job. Rather they do so because they dislike or even despise schooling.
主体段 2(不少于 7句)
However, encouraging students to evaluate their teacher can bring about more benefits. In the first place, it is an effective means of motivating the teachers to improve their lectures. Teachers have to keep adjusting their teaching to measure up to the expectations of the student. In the second place, regular input affords the teacher objective and balanced ideas about their own performance. Without such feedback, it is hard for the teacher to have accurate assessment of their own teaching. In the third place, a measure of students’ autonomy can make the student better prepared for their adult life. The student becomes better at decision-making and critical thinking.
结尾段(不少于 3句)
In the final analysis, I concede tha