文档介绍:硕士专业学位论文论文题目论商标使用研究生姓名贾琦玉指导教师姓名董炳和专业名称法律硕士(法学) 研究方向知识产权法论文提交日期 2013年5月论商标使用中文摘要 I 论商标使用中文摘要商标确权原则由“使用”走向“注册”适应了市场经济发展的高效需求,也满足了经营者的安全预期。但注册原则存在着先天性不足--对商标使用的关注不够,正是这与生俱来的缺陷导致注册原则在运转时暴露出一系列的问题。例如,未注册商标的在先使用人的权利有哪些?如何实现?法律对此种商标如何保护?这些问题的出现让我们不得不对“注册原则”认真审视,对“商标使用”正确定位。使用是商标的灵魂,没有被实际使用的商标只是一个没有灵魂的躯壳,一个抽象的符号。商标法保护的是能够发挥商标识别作用的商标,商标被使用了才能积聚商业信誉。本文从商标使用在商标法制度中的价值入手,论证商标使用是商标存在和保护的实质性依据,探讨商标使用在商标权取得、商标撤销及商标侵权等不同制度中会产生什么样的作用,这种作用的产生反过来对商标使用有什么样的具体要求。在注册原则下,强化注册商标的使用要求,加强对未注册商标的保护,从而促进商标法律制度自身的体系化,使公平与效率能达到最佳的平衡。关键词: 商标使用商标权取得撤销注册商标侵权作者:贾琦玉指导老师:董炳和 Abstract A Study on Trademark Use II A Study on Trademark Use Abstract The change of empowering Principles of trademark from Principle of first to use to Principle of first application not only meets the efficient needs of market economy but also satisfies managers? safety ,registration principle with congenital deficiencies, not enough attention on trademark use, it is this inherent defects lead to the registration principle in exposed a seriesof problems during , what rights the unregistered trademarks of prior user have? How to do? How to protect this kind of trademark in our country? The emergences of these problems let us have to take a hard look at“register principle”,and to correct positioning“trademark use”. Use is the soul of thetrademark, the trademark which is not used actuallyis only a body without soul, an abstract symbol. Trademark law protections are those that can give play to the role of trademark to identify trademark, and trademark has been used to build-up business article obtains from the value of trademark use in trademark law system;argument trademark use is thesubstantial basis of trademark and trademark protection. Discusses trademarkuse in the acquisition of trademarkright, trademark revocationand trademark infringement and will produce what kind of role i