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Book7 U4 教案课时2Reading1.docx

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Book7 U4 教案课时2Reading1.docx



文档介绍:first underground in
单 元: Unit 4 The first underground in the world
板 块: Reading 1
Thoughts on the design:
本节课是阅读教学的第一课时, 其目的是帮助学生获取有关世界上第一条地铁的信息并学会使用阅读旅游手册的相关技巧。 首先,学生通过预测及归纳各段落中心思想来构建文本的整体框架,然后再运用 skimming & scanning 等技巧完成问答、填写表格、填词等练****以加深对文本的理解, 并掌握旅游手册的阅读策略。 最后, 让学生通过巩固练****或讨论活动
来运用所学内容。 教师可以根据学生实际情况有选择地使用, 使各层次的学生都有学以致用的机会,体验成功的喜悦。
Teaching aims:
After this class, students will be able to:
get some information about the first underground in the world;
know how to get general idea of each paragraph with the help of some key words;
know how to read tourist brochure;
use what they have learned to talk about the things around themselves.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Lead-in
Begin the class by asking students “If you want to get some information about the place where you want to go, what can you do? ”
Show the picture of a tourist brochure and ask students what a brochure is used for. ()
(2) Help students to list information they will get from the brochure of the
the world. ()
[Explanation] 导入部分主要帮助学生通过头脑风暴等活动激活相关的背景知识, 并对本文将提到的有关世界上第一条地铁的信息进行预测, 让学生在一个积极思维的过程中自然进入
本课主题。 另外,第五章幻灯中出现的括号内的单词是为了提醒学生在阅读旅游手册时要特别关注的信息。这样,可以将阅读技巧的训练渗透于课堂教学之中。
Step 2: Skimming
Allow students two or three minutes to read the first or the last sentence of each paragraph, and then su