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上传人:sssmppp 2021/3/5 文件大小:99 KB





文档介绍:这是一个经典的逻辑分析题目。相信很多人看过中文版的了。现在我们来对英文原版来一次分析 和推理,希望能做到让大家信服。
Over the years, Einstein's Puzzle has become a huge Internet favorite. It is said that Albert Einstein wrote this Logic Puzzle quiz. As the Legend goes, Dr. Einstein said that 98% of the world could not figure it out. He believed only 2% of all humans had the ability to solve his puzzle. Are you smart enough to be one of the few?
前几天看到这个问题,觉得挺有意思的,但是看中文版容易产生歧义。还有一些逻辑分析表述的 不是很严谨。所以特别的找来英文原版的来看看。果然比中文版的要好的多。
The Einstein Puzzle
There are 5 houses in five different colors. They are lined up in a row side by side. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
These 5 owners drink a certain drink, smoke a certain brand of tobacco and keep a certain pet.
No owners have the same pet, smoke the same tobacco, or drink the same drink.
As you look at the 5 houses from across the street, the green house is adjacent (woog 注释:adjacent adj,毗连的,邻近的,接近的;n,近邻)to the left of the white house
The Big Question is:
Who owns the Fish?
1、 The Brit lives in the red house
2、 The Swede keeps dogs as pets
3、 The Dane drinks tea 4、The green house is on the immediate left of the white house as you stare at the
front of the 5 houses
5、 The green house owner drinks coffee
6、 The person who smokes Pall Mall raises birds
7、 The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhi


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