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上传人:业精于勤 2021/3/5 文件大小:15 KB





  1、What do you think from the perspective of job analysis yourself, what is your biggest strengths and weaknesses?
  Tip:such as you are serious and responsible to things .And there are some jobs require appropriate advantages, such as technical staff can say have strong learning ability, the business staff can say expression capability is strong, the accountants can say themselves is sedate, steadfast...
  As for the shortcomings, don't say no, or never thought. Because no one is perfect, if you said you have no disadvantage , it is certainly that you don' t recognize you own shortcomings,[you should say some shortcomings that has no impact on the new job.
  2、Have you ever thought about a personal business, if you want to entrepreneurship, when are you going to entrepreneurship?
  Tip: now that is the interview and you choose to work, so you have to avoid mentioning entrepreneurship. Because of differences in working for boss and bEing a boss is too big, expressing ideas that you would like to venture too much in the interview will make the interviewer uncomfortable, and many companies also be afraid one day you will take away his customer resources and the technical secret when you left..you should answer that now I don't consider entrepreneurship
  3、Why did you leave your last job?
  Tip: this question is very difficult, the principle is never speak