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han any other male artist in the era.
  ''Black or White" was the first single taken from 's album , released in . "Black or White" is a mix of hard rock, dance and rap.
  Written, composed, and arranged by Jackson with his group, it is a song that promotes racial unity. The song peaked at number one on the US and the , as well as in 18 other countries
  Half way through the performance Jackson threw his into the crowd causing audience members to scream and shout. It was during this performance that Jackson also debuted a set of dance moves which included the "" (which was named by the media). The "moonwalk" followed by a tornado spin and then balancing up on his toes have since gone on to become Jackson's trademark dance piece, and is virtually synonymous with the song.
  In the ending of the video ex-supermodel Tyra Banks appears dancing to the song. Controversy was generated concerning the last four minutes of the original music video. Jackson walks out of the studio as a black panther and then morphs into himself. Then he walks outside to dance in a similar way to "". This part contained sexually suggestive scenes when Jackson starts to grab his crotch, and then zips his pants up. In the original version, Jackson is seen smashing windows and
  destroying a car and causing an inn to explode.