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文档介绍:Writing an Experiment Report
Writing an experiment report is a very stylized genre of writing. It should be as efficiently written as possible and should provide each item of information just where readers will expect it to be. Nothing redundant. The paper should contain 6 sections: a short Abstract, an Introduction, Methods (Process) , Results (Data) , Discussion and Conclusions. The Bibliography, Tables, Figures and typically come at the end (though the Tables and Figures can also be inserted within the text).
Always include an abstract for ANY paper (in my opinion). Write it as one paragraph, about 200 words or less・ This is a concise summary of the entire experiment. Include the rationale, method, resuIts, and significance in highly abbreviated form (but using full sentences)・ Look at some published journal abs trac ts or Socie ty Mee ting abs trac ts to get the idea of how to write one・
Give background rationale for the experiment. Why were you motivated to do this experiment? Or more accurately, given what you actually found, why MIGHT you have wanted to do this experiment? Your report, in other words, should not be biographical or historica1. Experiments are often exploratory; we often are not testing a specific hypothesis・ And, in any case, readers really don,t care what you THOUGHT you might find but did not. The paper should tell a story a