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文档介绍:价格最低,课时最长,师资最强,最专业的学位英语网站成人高等教育学士学位外语水平考试模拟试题(六) 英语试卷一 Part I pletion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short plete dialogues in this part, each followed by4 choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the best one plete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Joyce : Could you pass me the sugar? Larry :S ure. __________ A. It’s all right. B. No problem. C. Here you are. D. Thank you. 2. Peter :I haven ’t seen you for ages. __________ Tom : Just fine. Oh, I got married last year. A. What have you done? B. Are you all right? C. How are you doing? D. Have you got married? 3. Operator : Good morning. F uture Software. How may I direct your call? Customer : After Sales Service Department, please. Operator : __________. I’ ll put you through. A. Just a moment please see C. Thank you D. No problem 4. Student : __________, I’d like to return these books. Assistant : OK. Oh, these books are a month overdue. S orry, you have to pay a fine. I know. B ut how much should I pay? Assistant :Just a minute. L et me check. A. Hi B. How are you C. Excuse me D. Hello 5. Waiter : Prince Wales Restaurant. G ood morning! Can I help you? Customer : Yes, I would like to book a table for two for tomorrow evening. Waiter : Sure, sir. __________? Customer : Around 6:30. A. What time would you like to have your table B. When are ing C. What time do you want it D. When would you like e 6. Lee : Thank you for your delicious food last night. W hen I went home, I couldn ’t forget the 价格最低,课时最长,师资最强,最专业的学位英语网站 appetizing dishes. Mrs. Lewis : __________, and you are e, at any time. A. It’s very kind of you ’m glad you like the dishes C. Not at all D. Thank you so much 7. John : Hello, I’m John. I read in the poster that you ’ re looking for a student to work asa language assistant. Clerk : __________ A re you interested in the job? John :I think so. B ut before I apply, could you tell me more about the work? A. How are you? B. Yes, we are. C.


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