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文档介绍:?主题定位: ?题材定位: ?时态定位: ?内容定位: 审题定位中学生健康生活方式新闻报道,属应用文范畴以一般现在时为主新闻报道一般包括标题,导语,背景, 主体,结语五个部分。一般来说,标题,导语和主体是新闻报道必不可少的三部分。?标题:简洁,概括,醒目?导语:开头的第一段或第一句,简要叙述报道核心内容(时间,地点,人物,事件等) ?主体:事情发生的具体细节(详写) ?结语:最后一句或一段,通常是全文内容总结,或简要评论。(简洁,明确) 文章结构你校最近进行了一场关于“中学生健康生活方式”的讨论, 请根据以下同学们讨论的相关内容写一篇报道。普遍的问题:学****压力造成学生缺乏睡眠和运动必要的健康生活模式 ,远离香烟校长希望:对生活有乐观态度,保持身心健康你的决心:改掉不良****惯 A discussion was held on “ How to lead a healthy life ” in our school recently. The result shows that there exists a widespread concern over students ’ lack of sleep and exercise due to the heavy learning loads . On the one hand, many students find it necessary to accustom themselves to getting up early. On the other hand, most think that students should not be addicted to the and should stay away from cigarettes because it will be difficult to quit. Therefore,the headmaster encourages us to adopt a positive attitude towards life in order to keep healthy both physically and mentally. His advice has greatly strengthened my determination to get rid of the bad habits. An old man went to live with his son, daughter- in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The family ate together at the table, but the old man ’ s shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. His son and daughter-in-law became angry with him. So they set a small table in the corner. There the old man ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner. Since he had broken a dish or two, the old man ’ s food was served in a wooden bowl. Still, the only words the couple had for him was sharp admonitions( 警告) when he dropped a fork or spilled milk. His grandson watched it silently. One evening, the son of the old man noticed the child playing with wood scraps and asked him sweetly, “ What are you doing? ” The boy responded, “ Oh, I am making a bowl for you and mum to eat your food in when I grow up. ” The words