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上传人:读书之乐 2021/3/10 文件大小:17 KB





  A: Good morning, Can I help you?
  B: Good morning, I'd like to book a room for Mr. Wilson of the International Trading Corp. Our executive usually stays at your hotel and you may recognize the name.
  A: How long will he be staying?
  B: From the 2nd of May to the 7th of May, inclusive.
  A: Let me see what we have available. Yes, we do have a room on the eighth floor, Room 806.
  B: A double room with bath. Overlooking the park, if possible.
  A: Yes, it's exactly a double room with bath available. And actually it overlooks the park.
  B: Do all your rooms have telephone extensions?
  A: Room 806 has.
  B: Can you make calls on outside lines?
  A: Yes.
  B: Then how much is it?
  A: $80 per night including air conditioning and color TV.
  B: Thank you. Can you book a room for Mr. Wilson for those dates, please?
  A: Yes, I've made a note of the dates. Would you like us to send you a confirmation of the reservation.
  B: Yes, please.
  A: And your address?
  B: Shanghai International Trading Corporation, 128 Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China.
  A: Thank you. I hope the letter reaches you in time. Good-bye.
  B: Thank you, good-bye.
  A:HeIIo,Friendship Hotel. May I help you?
  B:I'm wondering if you have any vacan


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