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文档介绍:The manual of siri From iphone4s siri 可以当作时钟 Siri can be as a clock 可以告诉 SIRI 在7: 15am 叫醒我 Can tell SIRI to wake me up at 7:15 am ”只要准确地报道时间, siri 将最好的使用时钟 As long as the time accurately reported, siri will be the best use of the clock Use SIRI to find caf é使用 SIRI 找到咖啡馆 When away from home ,want to find a coffee shop ,use SIRI can handle everthing 当离开家,想找一个咖啡厅,使用 SIRI 可以处理一切 Want to go where ,SIRI tell you 想去哪里,SIRI 告诉你 Siri 就像 GPS, 。 Siri is like GPS,. 旅游的好帮手 A good helper of tourism Using Siri to play random music If you are tired of the fixed sequence of music playlist, you can try to use Siri play random of all, you need to be loved music into a " love" in the playlist. To listen to music, told Siri " Queen songs". Then, Siri will be in the" love" the list of matching the queen songs and their play. So as to realize the random music playing function. Send text messages, walking and texting? Go insecure said, send text messages also with difficulty, using Siri do it you walk, will be iPhone on the ears, told Siri " use text messages to tell her, I will be late home".