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文档介绍:Numerical control technology and equipping development trend and countermeasure Equip the engineering level, level of determining the whole national economy of the modernized degree and modernized degree of industry, numerical control technology is it develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry to equip (such as information technology and his industry, biotechnology and his industry, aviation, spaceflight, etc. national defense industry) last technology and getting more basic most equipment. Marx has ever said "the differences of different economic times, do not lie in what is produced, and lie in how to produce, produce with some means of labor ". Manufacturing technology and equipping the most basic means of production that are that the mankind produced the activity, and numerical control technology is nowadays advanced manufacturing technology and equips the most central technology. Nowadays the manufacturing industry all around the world adopts numerical control technology extensively, in order to improve manufacturing capacity and level, improve the adaptive capacity petitive power to the changeable market of the trends. In addition every industrially developed country in the world also classifies the technology and numerical control equipment of numerical control as the strategic materials of the country, not merely take the great measure to develop one's own numerical control technology and industry, and implement blockading and restrictive policy to our country in view of" high-grade, precision and advanced key technology of numerical control " and equipping. Ina word, develop the advanced manufacturing technology taking numerical control technology as the core and already e every world developed country and accelerate economic development ina more cost-effective manner, important way to improve the overall national strength and national position. Numerical control technology is the technology controlled to mechanical movement an


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