文档介绍:健康快乐每一天! 临床诊断学上海第二医科大学仁济临床医学院 Nausea and Vomiting As the symptoms 症状学:恶心与呕吐 Goals ? Briefly define ? Outline the prominent disease states associated with nausea and vomiting. ? Characterize Nausea and Vomiting caused by the prominent disorders ? Discriminate the panying symptoms. ? Suggest diagnostic strategies of the symptoms. Definition of Nausea and Vomiting ? Nausea : the inclination or feeling of imminent desire to vomit, usually felt in the throat or epi - gastrum . Associated with decreased activity of the stomach. ? Vomiting : the forceful oral expulsion of gastric contents via retro-peristalsis. ? Nausea-Vomiting: simultaneity or separateness 恶心:紧迫欲吐, 通常伴有上腹不适和迷走兴奋的临床征候群。呕吐:胃和/或小肠内容物经食管和口腔排除体外恶心和呕吐常伴随存在,也可单独出现! Nausea and Vomiting 1、恶心:咽部及上腹部不适,胃张力和蠕动减弱,幽门和贲门开放。 2、干呕:胃窦部和腹壁肌肉收缩, 腹压增加,食管及咽部开放。 3、呕吐:胃和/或小肠内容物经食管和口腔排除体外。 Definition of emesis. (Three phases) 呕吐反射过程(三个阶段) 1. Nausea - the inclination or feeling of imminent desire to vomit, usually felt in the throat or epigastrum . Associated with decreased activity of the stomach. 2. Retching - the labored rhythmic contraction of respiratory and abdominal musculature that frequently precedes or panies vomiting. 3. Vomiting - the forceful oral expulsion of gastric contents via retroperistalsis . (Abdominal effects). 迷走兴奋表现恶心干呕呕吐发生机制呕吐区别于反食呕吐:多数情况有恶心的感觉和呕吐反射的协调动作。反食:无恶心的感觉和呕吐反射的协调动作。(儿童、饱餐) Mechanisms of emesis