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上传人:陈潇睡不醒 2021/3/16 文件大小:590 KB





文档介绍:Sea lion : Assembly Instructions
Assembly Instructions Notation Key
1. Carefully cut out the parts.
2. Fold along the dotted lines, making mountain
or valley folds as indicated. Scissors line Mountain fold
3. Attach the glue spots on each part together.
4. Glue the parts together, and you're done!
*Please read the Assembly Instructions
carefully before you begin. Cut in line Valley fold
Tools Glue spot
Scissors, Glue (We recommend quick-drying paper glue.)
How to assemble your model neatly Caution
Scoring along the fold lines in advance with a dried Keep scissors and glue away from small children.
up pen or a ruler with slightly sharp corners will result Be careful not to cut your fingers when using scissors.
in a neater model.
*Be careful not to press too hard as the paper may tear.
Sea lion : Assembly Instructions
Assemble the head
Cut out part C, and


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