摘 要: 城中村是我国城市化进程的产物。近年来,随着经济的快速发展,花都区内涌现大量的城中村。城中村藏污纳垢,是“滋生 犯罪的温床”。各村治安形势普遍呈现年均刑事发案量大、大要案比例偏高、犯罪危害程度深等严重性,问题突出,阻碍了当地经济和社会健康发展的进程。 本文运用社会学失范理论,社会解体论分析城中村内的治安问题,通过文献资料搜集方法,了解以花都区横谭村为代表的城中村治安现状。研究结果表明,城中村治安的困境在于社会管理混乱,政府在治安管理工作的缺位等,并针对此提出城中村社会治安综合整治的对策。本研究能为广州花都区城中村社会治安的治理提供参考,有利于促进花都区以及我国其他地区的城中村开展治安工作。
中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
Competition - Symbiosis: The village in the city social security problem research
Abstract: Urban village is a special phenomenon during the fast urbanization in our country. In the recent years, with the development of economy,a large number of villages have emerged in Huadu Square. Villages shelter evil people and practices, is "breed a hotbed of crime". The villages made public security situation generally present large amount of annual criminal gun murders, major and serious criminal cases proportion is on the high side, crime harm degree depth of severity which blocked the local economic and social healthy development process. This paper uses sociology anomie theory, social disintegration theory analysis in the city of village public security problems. Through the literature data collection method, know to huadu district cross tan village as a representative of village in city public security situation. The results of the study show that, village in city public security dile