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文档介绍:MY HERO : A Guide for Teachers and Afterschool Educators p. 1 MY HERO A Guide for Teachers and Afterschool Educators Written by Submitted February 28, 2007 For questions ments please contact: Eric Gurna 7 1 1 .5753 MY HERO : A Guide for Teachers and Afterschool Educators p. 2 MY HERO Guide for Afterschool Educators An Introduction About MY HERO MY HERO is an interactive educational project for children, families, teachers and librarians that encourages use of the as a positive and rewarding educational experience. It uses munications technologies, bination with traditional and non-traditional information sources, to promote critical thinking regarding the meaning and impact of heroes and heroism. Our mission is to enlighten and inspire people of all ages with an ever-growing archive of hero stories from around the world. MY HERO uses current web technologies to provide a unique educational experience that promotes literacy and cross-cultural communication. Now more than ever, children, teachers, and parents yearn for messages of hope and courage to face the challenges that lie ahead. The MY HERO website hosts thousands of stories of remarkable individuals written by children and adults alike. These stories serve to remind us that we all have the potential to e great obstacles and achieve our dreams by following in the footsteps of our heroes. Why Afterschool? These days, programs that foster increased technological and cultural literacy are essential for young people, but there aren’t always opportunities for this type of learning during the school day. For this reason, afterschool programs are an ideal setting for the implementation of a MY HERO program. Afterschool environments offer students a safe environment to participate in hands-on activities they might not otherwise get a chance to try. These types of learning opportunit