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文档介绍:沈阳工程学院毕业设计(论文) I 城北变电所继电保护设计摘要本文对城北变电所可能会出现的故障、进行了保护及安装配置。对二次变电站的变压器可能出现各种类型的故障和不正常运行状态进行了分析。对主接线进行选择。并按照 GB14258 — 1993 《继电保护和安全自动化装置技术规程》的规定为变压器装设***保护、差动保护、过电流保护和过负荷保护装置,提高了变压器安全运行。变电所中线路可能会出现相间短路,接地故障、过电流,根据规程配置了电流保护、电流速断保护、过电流保护及绝缘监察装置。针对变电站母线可能会出现单相接地和相间短路故障,根据母线电压等级的不同,对 10kV 母线采用了双母线固定连接的母线差动保护。以上保护安装构成变电所的继电保护系统,保证城北变电所的安全运行及供电质量。为运行设备和运行人员的安全提供保障。关键词差动保护,过电流保护,过负荷保护,电流速断保护城北变电所继电保护设计 II Abstract In this paper , the north substations may appear the fault, the protection and installation configuration. For the secondary substation transformer may appear various types of faults and abnormal running state are analyzed. And according to the GB14258-1993 “ Technical code for relay protection and safety automation devices “ regulation for transformer installed gas protection, differential protection, compound voltage starting, overcurrent protection, current instantaneous fault protection and overload protection device, improve the safe operation of the transformer. The substation circuit may occur in the interphase short circuit, grounding fault, current, according to the rules of configuration of the current protection, current instantaneous fault protection, over current protection and insulation monitoring device. Aim at substation busbar may appear single phase grounding fault and alternate with, according to difference of busbar voltage grade, for 10kvbus adopted the fixed connection of double busbar differential protection. Above installation of substation protection relay protection system, ensure dragon temple substation safe operation and power supply quality. This guarantee for running equipment and personnel safety. Key words d ifferential protection, over current protection, overload protection, current instantaneous fault protection 沈阳工程学院毕业设计(论文) 目录摘要............................................................................................................................... I Abstract ...............................................................


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