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快乐颂尤克里里弹唱教学简谱 尤克里里弹唱简谱.doc

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快乐颂尤克里里弹唱教学简谱 尤克里里弹唱简谱.doc

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快乐颂尤克里里弹唱教学简谱 尤克里里弹唱简谱.doc



文档介绍:快乐颂尤克里里弹唱教学简谱 尤克里里弹唱简谱
Come! Sing a song of joy
for peace shall come, my brother!
Sing! Sing a song of joy
for men shall love each other!
That day will dawn just as sure
as hearts that are pure,
are hearts set free.
No man must stand along
with outstretched hands before him.
Reach out and take them in yours
with love that endures
forever more.
Then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
Come! Sing a song of joy
of freedom! Tell the story!
Sing! Sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!
One mighty voice that will bring
a sound that will ring
forever more.
Then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
Come! Sing a song of joy
of freedom! Tell the story!
Sing! Sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!
One mighty voice that will bring
a sound that will ring
forever more.
Then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
Sing! Sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!
作品大约创作于1819到1824年间,是贝多芬全部音乐创作生涯的最高峰和总 结。1=F调,4/4拍。这是一首庞大的变奏曲,充满了庄严的宗教色彩,气势辉煌,是人声与交响乐队合作的典范之作。通过对这个主题的多次变奏,乐曲最后达到高潮,也达到了贝多芬音乐创作的最高峰。乐章的重唱和独唱部分还充分发挥了四位演唱者各个音区的特色。