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Fathers and Sons父与子.ppt

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Fathers and Sons父与子.ppt


文档介绍:Fathers & Sons:the Bonding Process
by Bill Hanson
Ⅰ The introduction of Bill Hanson
Author Biography
For many years Bill Hanson has enjoyed dual careers. He is a successful fine arts restorer/conservator. His writing career began while attending the University of Miami. He was chosen as aide and legman of author Philip Wylie. Hanson follows in the journalistic footprints of J. Robert Nash and John Keel, authors who seek out the stories behind newspaper headlines.
Hanson, who makes his home in Vero Beach, Florida is the author of several books and articles. Other books by the inquisitive writer are Mystery Florida, Found: The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, Secrets of the Fallen Angels and soon to be published The Atlantis Triangle.
Glosely Guarded Secrets
The Atlantis Triangle
Ⅱ Structure of the Text
Part I (para. 1-5)― the close father-son relationship between the author & his father
Part II (para. 6-11)― the close father-son relationship between the author & his young son and that between author & his stepfather
Part III (para. 12-15)― the close father-son relationship illustrated by pictures of fathers and sons taken by the author
Part IV ― conclusion: the bond between fathers and sons is unbreakable
Ⅲ Key Words
wallow – (fig.) indulge oneself 沉湎
wallow in self-righteousness 沉湎于唯我独是之中
bobtail: (a horse or dog with) a tail cut short
sarcasm – a cutting, often ironic remark
intended to wound 讽刺,挖苦
date – companion of the other sex with whom dates are arranged 相与约会的异性朋友
sneer – to utter with a sneer or in a sneering manner 轻蔑说话
insult – speak or act in a way that hurts or is intended to hurt a person’s feelings or dignity 侮辱
scour – search through
recipe – a formula for or means to a desired end 诀窍
commitment – a pledge to do 承诺
lines – (pl.) conditions of life 生活的遭遇
experience of being a father (in our text)
deadbeat – a lazy pers