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全球顶尖商学院最新案例 (28).pdf

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全球顶尖商学院最新案例 (28).pdf




Consulting Club
Case Book
Table of Contents

I. Introduction..............................................................................……….........................3

II. The Consulting Interview Process…………………………………………………..4
a. Introduction to the Process……………………………………………………………..4
b. What Firms are Testing for with Case and Fit Interviews……………………………. 6
c. The Interview Challenge………………………………………………………………11

III. How to Ace Case Interviews..........................................…..…......... .......................12
a. Overview of Case Interviews ...................……………………………….................... 12
b. Tackling a Case Interview – A Step-By-Step Illustration..............………………….. 14
- Business Case
- Estimation Case
- Brainteaser
c. Six Major Types of Business Case…………………………………………………….23

IV. Practice Business Cases........................................................................................… 33

Cases Written by London Business School MBA 2005:
Case 1: Terrific Tennis Plc (by Damien Bruce)………………………………………….35
Case 2: Titleist Golf Balls (by Neil Corrigall)…………………………………………...39
Case 3: XYZ Holiday Parks (by Douglas King)…………………………………………45
Case 4: Beer Industry (by Nicola Winn)…………………………………………………50
Case 5: Sunco, Financial Services (by Sanjiv Padmanabhan)…………………………...54
Case 6: Supermarket Case (by Mark Buckle)……………………………………………63
Case 7: London Millennium Dome (by Caspar Schlickum)……………………………..67
Case 8: Candy UK (by Steven Klooster)………..……………………………………….75
Case 9: The Vitamin Store (by Maria Novales-Flamarique)………………………….…82

Cases Written by London Business School MBA 2006 - new for the 2006 Case Book:
Case 10: AluCo (by Jim Bonner)………...………………………………………………89
Case 11: Drinking Water Purifier (by Shruti Goyal)…………………………………….94
Case 12: Scottish Bankers (by Rob Feeney)………


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