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文档介绍:Chapter 6 Intercultural Business Etiquette 礼仪 and Protocol 外交礼节 Learning Objective ? Understand the importance of appropriate etiquette and protocol in intercultural munication ? Identify cultural differences in business card exchange and other initiating business contacts ? Understand how cultural differences in social entertainment may affect intercultural munication ? Understand how gift-giving practices vary from culture to culture Learning Objective ? Learn the role that clothing plays in interacting with persons from other countries ? Learn the importance of knowing about the variable rules of business engagement 约会? e aware of the cultural impact on prehension of humor in international business Protocol Defined ? Customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic etiquette and courtesies expected in official 官员(方)的 dealings with persons in various cultures Etiquette Defined ? Manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations Defined by Nan Leaptrott / Differences between protocol and etiquette ? Protocol is what to do in a given situation. ? Etiquette is how to do it and how to do it gracefully. Example Protocol If you are at a meeting in northern Europe, give the speaker your full attention and strong eye contact Etiquette Sit up and show interest in what is being said. Do not interrupt the speaker with questions unless he has asked the audience to do so. If people are taking turns in a group, try to take notes after the person has finished with his remarks. Questions: ? 1. What ’ s the “ first custom ” in the international society? 被国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是什么? “ Lady first ”. ? 2. What is the “ Three A ” principle in social communications? 社交中的“三A原则”指的是什么? APPRECIATE ADMIRE ACCEPT Three A I. Meeting People ? When meeting people both your nonverbal and verbal behavior help to define your social skills. Using effective handshakes , good eye