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silver soul银魂.ppt

上传人:慢慢老师 2021/3/27 文件大小:2.02 MB


silver soul银魂.ppt



文档介绍:Silver Soul
Cartoonist——Sorachi Hideaki
Sorachi thinks that he looks like a gorilla,so he always wears a mask. Therefore,few fans have seen his real face.
Silver soul is a Japan “Junior Jump" popular fantasy action comics.
The story happened over 200 years that time,aggressor conquered government was fatuous and controlled by this era,there was a man who was unsuccessful but stuck to the bushido from beginning to end.
Sakata Gintoki is a warrior,he is the boss of “Everything House".He likes eating sweets,likes drinking the strawberry milk,likes reading Junior Jump,and he likes digging out the he is a wretched man.
But he's a good is brave,he has a sense of responsibility and will become mature,full of justice when he on the battlefield or he receives the will do anything to protect people in need of won't say any more,just do he also can speak the big truth.
Shimura Shinpachi
16 years old,wearing ambition is to is often described as"very ordinary,public face",or even be denied to mankind.
A member of Everything House.
Very common.
Has no sense of existence without his glasses.
He is talented in ridiculing.
He is called"TuCao Eight".
14 years old."Night Rabbit Clan".She is very afraid of the sun,so her hand is always holding an is her has a strange ability is different from she were injured she would be restored can eat many favourite thing is vinegar kelp.
Kagura's pet
Likes biting things
Anti-terrorism special forces
Kondou Isao
Hijikata Toushirou
Okita Sougo
Yamazaki Sagaru
Katsura Kotarou
It can not always writes the speech on the sign.
He always says:
Not Wig!!!
But Gui!!!


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