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文档介绍:Abstract In present china, with the continue differentiation and bination of public expression elements, interests frictions, differentiations, contradictions emerged among different social classes, different interest groups and members of society. Interest demands are varied among them on the basis mon fundamental interests. To build a harmonious society, there willbe unescapable demands for the full reflection and effective expression channel in interests. Labor relation at present in China has an obvious imbalance and relation in private enterprises possesses typicality. Infringement of labors’ right is universal in private enterprises. In the game with employers for their interests, influenced by the double effects of strong capital and employment pressure, and the imperfection of expression channels, employees are trapped in the disadvantaged in private enterprises are the constructers of socialism and they play a very important role in the economy and development. So, the solution of problems in interest expression of them is directly linked to our economic construction and social stability. Basing on this reason, I select private workers as the object of study. The aim of this study is to find the problems in interest expression of workers in private enterprises and to investigate the origin causes with detachment, and to put forward related solutions and suggestions for better expression mechanism by researching the expression of other classes in present China. Study of workers in China before was mainly staff in state owned business in academic circles. Study of private enterprises was mainly focused on owner of them. However, study of workers in private business is still lack of attention in academic and theoretical circles. Papers for private workers can only be seen


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