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上传人:非学无以广才 2021/3/30 文件大小:16 KB






  Dear Sir/Madam,
  being a professor in shanghai finance and economics university, i had given six lectures to hua sheng as an auditing teacher when she studied accountancy there as her second major, and had been her supervisor when she worked as an intern in my credit rating company. she had listened to me so attentively that many of the cases we studied in class were applied to her work effectively.
  i was really impressed by hua sheng’s performance during her five-week internship. in order to be more competent in the field of credit rating, she volunteered to assume more tasks, and further offered to work overtime with other regular employees. however hard the tasks were, she always managed to fulfill them with flying colors. such devotion to her career even as an intern is rarely seen in her peers. as she had done well in her accounting major, with an average score of 85 for the core courses, in addition to her remarkable learning ability, hua sheng was capable of doing some of the basic businesses in the company, and thus understanding the know-how of accounting more profoundly. she visited and researched fifteen companies in all, big or small, home or abroad, within the twenty-five weekdays. i could see a clear mind and a strong logic in her participation in writing credit r


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