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上传人:书犹药也 2021/3/30 文件大小:17 KB





  If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking. Confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure. For it isn't defeat that makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success.
  生活中假如有任何一个原因能够促进成功,那就是从挫折中受益的能力。我所了解的每一次达成的成功全部是因为那个人能够对挫折进行分析,在下一次工作中真正得益。假如混淆挫折和失败,你就注定会真正失败。 因为不是挫折使你失败,而是你自己拒绝从挫折中看到成功的方向和勇气。
  Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. They are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without humiliation, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed. If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended. It is this same reaction which should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you exploit the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than you are capa


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