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文档介绍:专业资料参考首选都市区快速交通系统规划研究专业资料参考首选摘要人类社会已全面进入城市时代,城市区域化和区域城市化趋势日益明晰,中心城市与周边城镇组成都市区(圈),共同参与区域乃至全球竞争。我国正面临城镇化进程的新一轮关键跨越,以都市区化带动城镇化、提升城市竞争力、统筹区域发展已成为我国城镇发展的重大战略抉择。与此同时,不断恶化的城市交通问题正成为制约城镇化、都市区化积极推进的桎梏,构建都市区快速交通系统的要求日益迫切。值此国民经济发展重要战略机遇期之际,我国都市区快速交通系统蓬勃发展,同时“十二五发展规划”和2030 年城市总体规划编制稳步推进, 都市区快速交通系统规划已成为当前亟需研究的重大课题。以都市区快速交通系统模式为先导,从快速交通系统引导都市区空间演变切入,分析比较不同快速交通系统模式都市区发展状况,提出适合我国国情的都市区快速交通系统模式。以都市区快速道路系统、快速铁路系统规划为支撑,综合国内外规划建设经验,概括都市区快速交通子系统规划的原则、思路和方法。以都市区快速交通系统综合规划为统领,坚持以交通走廊规划为前提,以交通枢纽规划为基础,以体制和机制建设为保障,实现我国都市区快速交通系统的集约、协调和可持续发展。【关键词】都市区快速交通系统交通模式综合规划交通走廊规划专业资料参考首选 Abstruct When human society has roundly entered the urban age, the trend of urban regionalization and region urbanization is ing more and more obvious. The central city and surrounding towns constitute bination of Metropolitan Area (circle) to participate in regional and petition. Facing an important leap in the process of urbanization, forming Metropolitan Area to drive urbanization, enhancing petitiveness and co-ordinating regional development have e significant strategic choice of urban development. But the urban transportation problem which is getting worse has e a constraint for the process of promoting actively urbanization and Metropolitan Area development. The requirement for constructing rapid transportation system in Metropolitan Area is ing more and more the important strategic occasion of national economic development, rapid transportation systems in Metropolitan Area are energetically being built inour country,"twelfth five year development planning" and the 2030 urban master planning is being authorized steadily. Therefore, the study on rapid transportation system planning in Metropolitan Area has e an important and urgent research mode of rapid transportation system in Metropolitan Area as guide, this paper studies space evolution of Metropolitan Area under the influence of rapid transportation system as pointcut, analyzes the status of Metropolitan Area development under the differ