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上传人:读书百遍 2021/3/31 文件大小:15 KB





  Good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you.
  My name is Xing Heng and I’m in my eighteen years old. I come fromXiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. I strongly suggest you visiting there and I can be your guide if it’s convenient.
  After three years’ hard work, I am so excited that I am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,SichuanUniversityand be one of you. I am outgoing and I have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but I am only good at basketball.
  I hope we can always play together in the next four years.
  Computer Science and Technology is my favorite subject and I am sure that it’s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society.
  I am glad to be a classmate of you and I hope we can study and make progress together in the future.
  I greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years.
  Good morning, everyone! It’s a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Serena and I’m fifteen years old.
  I come from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be im


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