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2021年写给圣诞老人的信 写给圣诞老人的信英文版.docx

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2021年写给圣诞老人的信 写给圣诞老人的信英文版.docx

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2021年写给圣诞老人的信 写给圣诞老人的信英文版.docx




写给圣诞老人的信英文版 写给圣诞老人的信英文版范文一 Dear Santa: I"ve been a very good boy this year. I study hard and am nice to my friends. I helped Mom and Dad decorate the Xmas tree. And I didn"t fight with my baby sis. So please put me on your list. I want to have a mountain bicycle as my Xmas gift and a lot of love for my dear Mommy and Daddy. This Xmas will sure be a special one. Mommy plans to cook a Xmas feast and invite some friends over on Xmas Eve. I want to wish all my family and friends merry Xmas! Sincerely yours, Jonh 亲爱的圣诞老公公:
  我帮母亲跟父亲部署圣诞树,而且我也没有跟我妹妹打架,因此请你把我放到你 的礼品单上面。
  我想要有一辆越野车看成我的圣诞礼品,然后给我亲爱的父亲母亲很 多很多的爱。今年的圣诞节一定会很尤其,妈咪圣诞夜计划要作一顿圣诞大餐, 还会邀请部分好友来家里。我要祝我的家人跟好友圣诞愉快! 你真挚的,乔 写给圣诞老人的信英文版范文二 Dear Santa claus: Hello My name is Yifan, Christmas is coming, I wish you a merry christmas! I would like to get a gift like the "viaduct" this year! My mom and dad told me that you would meet my requirements, right I promise: I will take good care of you gave me the gift, and after the play, I will own the good to clean up their own toys, no need to help me. So, you will continue to give me a gift next year, right OK, just write it, I"m looking forward to the coming of Christmas. I wish you a happy day!This Salute! Love you all 亲爱的圣诞老人:
  您好! 我叫一凡,圣诞节就要来了,我先祝您圣诞愉快!今年的圣诞节我多 想得到一件像“高架桥”的礼品啊!我的父亲母亲告诉我说您会满足我的要求的, 对吧我确保:我会好好