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2021关于家乡的英语演讲稿精选My hometown.docx

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2021关于家乡的英语演讲稿精选My hometown.docx

上传人:去大老虎呀 2021/4/1 文件大小:22 KB


2021关于家乡的英语演讲稿精选My hometown.docx



文档介绍:2021关于家乡的英语演讲稿精选:My hometown
if you travel from the outside to yaan along a wide and clean road, you will arrive at a beautiful place which only can appear in your dream, but now , i will tell you that you are not dreaming. this beautiful place namedtianquan─my hometown, it stands near the qingyi river at the foot of erlang mountain, it is a small city covered by green and its famous for the beautiful scenery, excellent climate and long history.
in the past, it was poor. people who once came here did not want to come again ,why?the streets were full of rubbishes and the buildings were old and small,when there were strong winds the buildings were shaking as if they wanted to say helloto you.
but today,with the lead of our government, many changes have taken place,life is much better than before。
first, flowing on modern agriculture, the leader guide peasants to use advanced technology to develop as ,keeping chickens in cages, planting fruit trees. as a result, the economy developed reasonably.
tourism is another way to develop economy .you know that there are many interesting places in tianquan. if you come to visit these places, the people there will offer the best for you and give you a lot of pleasure. the most famous one is laba he。there, the air is so clear and you can see trees and mountains everywhere some said:in summer it is green like a fountain


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