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文档介绍:e here This film is a masterpiece of all Martial arts films which are called wuxia films in China. Such films are often set in ancient China and in the plots of such films, people often use swords to protect themselves. Fast reading: is the main idea of the film? wuxia films are popular in the west. is a martial arts film that tells the story of a stolen sword, and the fight to get it back. tells the story of two people who love each other. The setting of the film Paragraph___ Introduction of Ang Lee Paragraph___ The plot of the film Paragraph___ Main idea Paragraph 2. Fill in the blanks according to the first 3 paragraphs. 12 3 Detail Reading 1. Choose the right answers. 1) What type of the film is it? A. Romantic film B. Martial arts film. C. Adventure film D. Comedy( 喜剧) 2) Which of the following is true about paragraph two? A. The story happened in the 1900s. B. Wuxia films are popular both in China and in the west. C .The film belongs to a story happening in the west. D .The martial arts masters in the film are people with usual abilities. √ 2. Judge the statements. (True or False) 1) The story is mainly about how Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian tried to get back a stolen sword. ( ) 2) Chow Yun-Fat played the part of Li Mubai who married Xiulian.. ( ) 3) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is really an excellent film. ( ) 4) Both Xiulian and her fianc é are masters of martial arts. ( ) TT FF 3. Which sentence in the first four paragraphs has the same meaning as the following one? It is surprising that Ang Lee, a productive director, has made a wuxia film called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. ____________________________________________ 4. Translate the following sentence into Chinese. Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are seldom great art. _____________________________________________ Now, to everyone ’ s surprise, Ang Lee, director of a number of excellent films