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2021年我的假期英语作文高中三篇 我的假期英语作文.docx

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2021年我的假期英语作文高中三篇 我的假期英语作文.docx

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2021年我的假期英语作文高中三篇 我的假期英语作文.docx



我的假期英语作文高中三篇 我的假期英语作文篇1 Since our family had moved a new house, my aunt had brought in four POTS of cacti, a large one, with sharp thorns, and three other POTS, which were only half as large as their palms. My mother gave me a task, which is to protect three small cacti. I water the little cactus on time every week, but I look a little haggard. What a good job! I complained in my heart: I worked so hard to take care of you, and I was so angry that I gradually forgot them. During the summer vacation, I went to my grandmother"s house for a few weeks. It was only when I got home that I suddenly remembered my cactus. I rushed to the balcony, and thought to myself: god, please don"t let my cacti die! Sad, my cactus! When I saw the lush and robust cactus, I was completely stunned, as if I could see Mars, like a dinosaur. I was ecstatic and hurried to ask my grandmother, "grandma, have you helped me to water the cacti" "No, at the beginning, you didn"t promise to give your mother all your own What"s the matter" "Asked grandma. "I am almost a month without water, the cactus can grow the better" I was puzzled. "Oh, then I ask you, where does cactus grow" "The desert, of course." I answered confidently. "Well," continued her grandmother, "the desert water is very little, the arid region, the cactus is everywhere, and the cactus can grow eve