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  相关导师英文推荐信范文 推荐信是一个应用写作文体,在日常生活中有广泛的利用空间。推荐 信是一个人为推荐另一个人去应聘或申请学位而写的信件。xx精心搜集了相关 导师英文推荐信范文,供大家欣赏学习! 相关导师英文推荐信范文篇1 To Whom this May Concern: My name isxxx, and I am the English teacher of Class 2, Senior 3, xxx Secondary School. I know xxx very well given that I have been teaching her English since Senior 1. She has always been the top student in my class;
  and, as my assistant, she has always been of great help to me. Her outstanding presentation on the esteemed director Tim Burton impressed me deeply, for her English speaking ability is superior to her fellow students, as well as her knowledge of western culture. Different from many students suffering from English learning, xxx takes great delight in English. She is versatile and able to integrate her various hobbies into English learning. For example, she won many prizes in the National Teenagers’ Painting Competition, and she is a popular cartoon expert. With her power of influence, she illustrated cartoons for English books and donated her publishing funds to public charity. xxx likes reading very much and reads a great deal of English and Chinese books in her spare time. She shows her special affinity for history and reads world history and American history books in English. In addition, she is an enthusiastic and warm-hearted girl who always participates or arranges charity activit


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