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上传人:业精于勤 2021/4/2 文件大小:25 KB






英语美文欣赏:鼠尾草,你是我最好的舞伴 摘要:蓝黑鼠尾草的花朵悬垂在一英尺长(约合30厘米)的穗状花序上, 穗状花序斜倚在周围绿色的景观中,展露出闲适自在的意味,给花园带来一丝灵 动的生机。
  Sometimes when I am weeding in the late afternoon,I hear the vibrating wings of the ruby-throatedhummingbird before I see it dipping its beak into thelong tubular flowers of the blue anise sage (Salviaguaranitica) called Black and Blue for its cobalt-bluepetals and near-black calyxes at the base of theflowers. Hummingbirds are shy, but if I remainperfectly still, it is usually so intent on the nectarinside those deep blue trumpets that I can admire itout of the corner of my eye as it backs out of oneflower and moves on to another. Then, in a flash ofiridescent green and red, it is gone. 我在黄昏除草的时候,偶然会听到红喉蜂鸟扑腾翅膀的声音,紧接着, 就会看到它把喙伸进瓜拉尼鼠尾草(Salvia guaranitica)的管状花朵里。这些花又被 称为蓝黑鼠尾草(Black and Blue),因为其花瓣呈钴蓝色,花朵基部的花萼则近乎 黑色。蜂鸟怕人,不过假如我保持一动不动的姿势,它通常就会用心致志从深蓝 色喇叭里吸食花蜜了。这么,我就能够用眼角看着它从一朵花飞到另一朵花上。
  Black and Blue holds its flowers aloft on footlong spikes that lean into the landscape,contributing to its laid-back personality and to the sense of movement in the garden. Thisplant has grown so big, it is leaning over the little chicken-wire fence that protects my Frenchfilet bean plants from the rabbits. The bean plants are full of snow-white flowers that will soonturn into slender bean pods, given all the bumblebees crawling over the blossoms. 蓝黑鼠尾草的花朵悬垂在一英尺长(约合30厘米)的穗状花序上,穗状 花序斜倚在周围绿色的景观中,展露出闲适自在的意味,给花园带来一丝灵动的 生机。这株植物长得太大了,已经伸出了保护菜豆(French filetbean)不被兔子啃 食的小铁丝网。菜豆的植株上挂满了雪白的花,有一大群熊蜂正在花朵上忙碌, 因此它们很快就会长成狭长的豆荚了。
  One morning last week, I savored one of those serendipitous moments that no gardener canever plan for: the deep blue-black salvia flowers mingling with the pure white bean are the perfect dance partners;
  they make all the other plants look ,我体会到了任何园丁全部可遇而不可求的一个时刻:
  深蓝和黑色相间的鼠尾草花和菜豆的纯白色花朵交相辉映,美不胜收。鼠尾草是 最好的舞伴;它们能让全部其它植物增色生辉。
  I have a smaller, more demure salvia, S