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上传人:书犹药也 2021/4/2 文件大小:15 KB






高一英语主要知识点 高一英语主要知识点(一) 1. The language they created is what we now call Old English. 2. When we speak English today, we sometimes find it hard to decide which words or phrases to use. 3. The Norman Conquest did not have the same result that the Germanic invasion had had about 600 years ago. 4. Upper class people spoke French while common people spoke English. 5. The question of whether English will continue changing in the future is easy to answer. 6. There are a lot of actions you could take to solve this problem. 7. It takes up a lot of time traveling to Beijing. 8. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. 9. There is a legend that says (saying) that a man named Cang Jie invented Chinese writing. 10. A method was developed to combine one part of the character indicating meaning and the other showing sound. 高一英语主要知识点(二) 1. arrange for sb. to do 安排….去做.. 2. go to a lecture / attend a lecture 3. pour out of 从….中倾泻而出 4. take over covered with /by 6. protect …from… /stop/keep….from- rainy days 9. drive sb. crazy/mad involved in the time to do sb. to do /for sth good condition/in a good state to 15. declare war against sail memory of/in honor of … out a surprise attack 19. in use /out of use return for … to do/ try to do 22. no more / no