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上传人:梅花书斋 2021/4/2 文件大小:16 KB






高中生的英语励志作文 人生是一个漫长的过程,我们怀有太多的期望,就难免会遭遇失望和 挫折,因此今天xx就给大家分享一下英语的优异文章给大家,有需要的看看哦 英语文章一 Everyone has a dream, but not everyone can achieve your dream, that dream and reality are too far apart, seems to dream is out of reach, is the unclear main, in the face of cruel reality and dream will only make our steadfast died. Actually hinder our progress is oneself, feel distant dream is their own, think of dream bumpy road is their own, think is hang him yourself, give up the dream is ourselves, we see our circle in a design of the fence, the limitations in the boundaries of their thinking, and then how to also don"t break this gap, be your own captive, lost to yourself. Someone says: the heart has how old, stage has how old, no can"t do, only unexpected. As long as we think of is said to myself, I can, I"ll do. Courage to face their own, beyond their own pattern, failures, drain, start again. If you lose, never recovered, then you can"t, regret lifelong. A farmers in liaoning, he likes singing very much, he sang in the fields, on the muddy road singing, singing in dirty chicken yard, a sing for 13 years. But many people said that his voice is not suitable for singing, but he don"t want to give up, the support of mom gave him great encouragement, he came to China good voice, just want to ask the teachers, his voice would there, can sing out of the