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上传人:书犹药也 2021/4/2 文件大小:16 KB





高中英语作文保护野生动物 英语作文保护野生动物篇1 Today, I want to tell you: to protect the animals from me. China"s statistics, the panda only a few thousand head, Zhu only a dozen, South China tigers and tigers are only dozens of head. Previously, because a large number of human hunting wolf, wolf almost extinct, and later, to the introduction of some foreign, the number of wolves was able to grow. We create high-tech human beings, to provide us with a convenient, good life so that we live comfortably. But we can know that a lot of things are cut down trees, many living in the tree animals were forced to leave their hometown. Why in the city can not see squirrels, crows, sparrows, swallows ... ... because of human greed, vicious, and poor quality, so that animals again and again to the end of life. In the circus, an elephant was caught at a very young age, and its mother died in order to protect it. How many years have passed, elephant grow up, remember that scene, in the unbearable point, the staff trampled to death. A lion can not stand the pain of the show, out of the circus, in a family will be a pair of mother and daughter bite into serious injuries. According to our reports, animal injuries a lot of things. For example: you killed a snake in the mountains, there will be a lot of snakes to attack you, they are also affectionate. Everyone to p


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