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文档介绍:专业资料参考首选内容摘要: 伴随着互联网技术的不断发展,网上银行在全球得到了迅速普及,作为 21 世纪一种新兴的金融发展领域,网上银行已经成为商业银行生存发展中不可或缺的竞争手段。所谓网上银行是指银行在互联网上建立站点,通过互联网向客户提供信息查询、对账、网上支付、资金转账、信贷、投资理财等服务。随着 2006 年我国金融业务已经全面对外开放,中资银行在传统业务领域竞争以外,还要在网络金融服务领域内与外资银行展开竞争。相对于中国商业银行在业务拓展上的本土经验和优势,中国商业银行在网上银行的风险防范上无论在管理经验上,还是风险防范措施上与外资银行相比还显得非常落后。近年来,由于我国网上银行案件的发生,网上银行的风险防范工作已经成为监管当局和商业银行风险控制的重点工作。关键词:网上银行操作风险风险管理 Abstract : With the development of technology, banking popularized quickly all over the world. As a new economy field in 21st century, it has e an petition instrument mercial banks. " Ba nking" refers to the ba nk on the to create the site, via the to provide information inquiry, reconciliation, online payment, funds transfer, credit, investment banking and other financial services. With the general opening to the external market in financial operation in 2006, competition between domestic banks and foreign banks not only focus on traditional operations but also on financial service on . Based on mercial bank ’s local experiences and advantages in operation development, compared with foreign banks, there isa huge gap in guarding against the banking risks not only in the aspect of risk management experience but also in risk control measures. Recently by the occurrence of banking cases, guarding against the banking risks has e the key work for the relevant supervisory authority mercial banks ’ risk control. Key words: banking operating risk risk management 专业资料参考首选目录一、我国网上银行情况介绍………………………………………………………… 1 (一)网上银行的概念和发展进程……………………………………………… 1 (二)网上银行的特点和发展趋势……………………………………………… 4 (三)我国网上银行发展现状…………………………………………………… 4 二、 A 银行网上银行现状…………………………………………………………… 5 (一) A 银行网上银行业务范围及操作风险的定义…………………………… 5 (二) A 银行网上银行业务操作风险管理现状………………………………… 5 三、 A 银行网上银行操作风险存在的问题………………………………………… 6 (一)安全技术问题:信息传递的安全性……………………………………… 6 (二)业务操作问题:业务操作的准确性……………………………………… 7 (三)支付诚信问题:社会诚信有待加强……………………………………… 7 (四)内部监管问题:内部控制有待完善……………………………………… 7 四、 A 银行网上银行操作风险成因分析…………………………………………… 8 (一)病毒攻击…………………………………………………………………… 8 (二)操作失误…………………………………………………………………… 9 (三)