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上传人:小马皮皮 2016/5/29 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:中文摘要在国家宏观政策支持下,城镇住房制度改革深入推进,居民住房观念发生重大转变,居民住房消费有效启动,住房商品化体制基本确立,房地产投资持续快速增长,房地产业己经成为我国国民经济的重要支柱产业, 对于改善居民居住条件、推动投资和消费增长,以及扩大社会就业等方面都起到了积极的推动作用。住房的严重短缺时代已经结束,人们对住房的品质和功能有了更高的要求,住房需求进入一个新时期。房地产业从卖方市场转变为买方市场,住房需求向舒适性转变,产业增长方式从数量规模型向质量效益型转变,产业层次从传统型向生态化、智能化、工业化等现代化模式转变,房地产业结构进入变革调整时期。在这种变革过程中,房地产品牌作为一种重要资源和资产,将对促进科技进步和产业发展起到巨大的推动作用,品牌的建设和推广也将涵盖整个行业。结合房地产业品牌发展和品牌竞争的大环境、大趋势,本文紧紧围绕房地产业品牌战略管理这一主题,通过导论、品牌概述、品牌培育、策略分析、实证研究、品牌延伸与扩张和结论等七个有机组成部分,分析了房地产业及其品牌的发展现状和发展趋势,系统地阐述了房地产业品牌的概念、特点和品牌塑造的战略意义,详细介绍了房地产业的品牌培育流程, 重点进行了品牌管理的策略分析,并进行了实证研究。本文在以下几个方面进行了深入研究和创新: 一、对我国房地产业的品牌管理现状进行了全面诊断; 二、对国内外房地产业的品牌管理进行了比较研究; 三、运用战略管理和品牌营销的相关理论,构建了房地产业品牌管理流程; 四、运用市场营销理论,对房地产业品牌实施进行了策略分析; 五、结合万科地产的品牌建设,总结归纳了品牌管理可供借鉴和推广的经验。关键词:房地产品牌管理营销战略品牌延伸 ABSTRACT With the support of national macro-policy, town housing system advancing deeply, the inhabitant's lodging conception changing significantly, the resident's lodging consumption starting up effectively, house commercial system being established basically and the investment on real estate growing continuously and rapidly, real estate has been one of the most important industries in our civil economy, which promotes positively such aspects as improving the living conditions of citizens, enforcing investment and consumption rise, enlarging social employment and so on. As the time of housing highly hard-up ends, people require more on the quality and function of their houses, then it starts a new era of lodging requirements. With real estate changing from seller's market to buyer's market, housing requirements turning to coziness type, the increasing mode transforming from quantity type to quality type, industrial level turning from traditional model to modern models, like: ecotype, intelligentization, and industrialization and so on, the framework of real estate is e into a period of transformation and adjustment. During this transforming