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  商务信件英语范文:Counter offer
  14 September 2021
  Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
  China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
  Dear Miss Liu xi:
  We have received your sample of quality wood, thank you very much, we are very satisfied with the sample, but your price is too high, we can not accept, through the market survey we find that the price can also be reduced by 10%-15%. Therefore, we put forward the price is $90 / carton, the other conditions we have no meaning, we hope you can take our price.
  We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
  Yours faithfully
  Qianlong International Co., Ltd
  USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
  15 September 2021
  Qianlong International Co., Ltd
  USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
  Dear Jack
  We have received your letter, for your suggestion, we have seriously considered, although we acknowledge that the price can be reduced, but the price is too low, it is too low, we can not accept this, we are ready to compromise, our new offer is $100 / carton, this is our bottom line, I hope you can consider accepting.
  We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
  Yours faithfully
  Liu Xi
  Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
  China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
  16 September 2021
  Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
  China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
  Dear Miss Liu xi:
  Thank you 15 letter, for your proposal, after discussion, we agree to traded at $100 /carton CIF NewYork. Other matters in accordance with the previous offer to implement. Believe that this cooperation will give us a special harvest. Next, please draw the same.
  We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
  Yours faithfully
  Qianlong International Co., Ltd
  USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
  商务信件英语范文:The signing of the contract
  18 September 2021
  Qianlong Inte