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A Scout is Loyal - University of Hartford.doc

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/5/29 文件大小:0 KB


A Scout is Loyal - University of Hartford.doc



文档介绍:A Scout is Loyal Drs052702 The second point of the Scout Law is this: A Scout is Loyal. Great. The word “ loyal ” has a nice sound to it, and we all know that loyalty is something good, but just what is loyalty, anyway? John Wayne said, “ The very word ‘ loyalty ’ is life itself, for without loyalty, we have no love of person or country ”. Okay, now I’m really lost. Webster says: “ Loyalty is allegiance to one ’s country and government; faithfulness toa person, ideal or cause. ” That helped a little bit, but maybe some examples would do better. Loyalty is illustrated through a collection of actions, some simple and some quite noble. I say that loyalty is seen when an older brother helps his younger sister with her algebra homework, because his parents can no longer remember how it’s done. Loyalty isa mother going off toa job she hates, because there are bills to pay, and she feels that she owes this to her family. Loyalty isa father taking a part time job at night so that he can do a little more for his kids. Loyalty isa grandfather who waits in his car outside of school so that his grandson won ’t have to walk home in the rain. Loyalty isa husband taking his wife to her favorite Chinese restaurant, even though he himself hates Chinese food. Loyalty isa baseball coach who gives of himself so that the children in munity can anized baseball. Loyalty is shown by a scout troop wear


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