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文档介绍:Lean Supply Strategies:Applying 5S Tools to Supply Chain Management
Kimball E. Bullington, ., ., CSSBB
Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management
90th Annual International Supply Management Conference, May 2005
ABSTRACT:Supply strategies in a lean environment should support the operations strategy. It is appropriate then to use lean concepts and lean terminology in thecreation of supply strategy for lean operations. This paper examines supply strategy development in a lean production environment by utilizing 5S, a key lean concept. The concepts of lean supply and 5S will beintroduced followed by a discussion of how the 5S methodology may be used to develop and implement a supply strategy.
Key words:lean;5s;supply strategy;
1 Lean Supply.
The term “lean supply” implies that the supply chain is appropriate for lean production. Lean production is a concept of waste elimination in processes, which has enjoyed popularity in manufacturing basic tenets of lean production as outlined by Womack and Jones (1996) include the following、Specify value、Identify the value stream、Organize the value stream to promote flow、municate demand through pull、Strive for perfection[1].
It is appropriate for the supply management function in a lean environment to integrate lean concepts and terminology into the development of supply strategy. O


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