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上传人:feng1964101 2021/4/7 文件大小:53 KB





( )1. The traffic is very heavy in rush hours in Beijing. A. big B. busy C. free D. not light
( )2. I would like to go to the Great one day. A. hope B. had better C. want D. expect
( )3. There are a large number of children playing in the park on Sundays.
A. a few B. a lot C. several D. many
( )4. The girl liked dancing better than singing. A. prefers, to B. preferred, to C. prefers D. preferred
( )5. Jim is taking care of his little . looking after B. looking like C. looking at D. looking for
( )6. Spaceman Yang Liwei visited Hong Kong and the people there gave ______ a warm welcome.
A. he B. she C. him D. her
( )7. ---Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? ---______.
A. No problem B. I hope so C. That’s all right D. That’s a good idea
( )8. Spring Festival is coming. I’ll ______ up my room. I don’t want to live in a dirty place.
A. cheer B. clean C. set D. turn
( )9. I don’t like stories ______ have unhappy endings. A. who B. that C. where D. those
( )10. I hope to go to Beijing some day ______ there are many places of interest.
A. when B. if C. because D. whose
( )11. I think the car was invented ______ 1885. A. on B. of C. at D. in
( )12. By the time she got outside, the bus _____. A. went B. gone C. h