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Technical Working Group.pptx

上传人:沧桑一梦 2016/5/30 文件大小:0 KB


Technical Working Group.pptx



文档介绍:TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP (TWG) PRESENTATION TO BCM MEETING 25 th NOVEMBER 2011 STRUCTURE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL MINERALS, ENERGY AND WATER RESOURCES TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP TOURISM HEALTH TWG ? BCM realised parallel forums (BOTA, GIZ, MESD and BNVQF) with same end goal – quality apprenticeship programme . ? Pulled them together for synergy hence TWG ? Focussed on artisan training with emphasis on heavy plant ? Conducted an audit of all vocational technical training institutions in the country to assess capacity and readiness to offer these courses RESULTS ? Utilization ? VTIs visited are under utilised , not used during vacations. ? No training of trainers at FCTVE despite its design and capacity (35% utilised ) ? Capacity ? Most VTIs enroll target numbers ? Some courses not offered because there are no trainers in a given VTI ? Practical training capacity low. RESULTS ? Availability of equipment ? Most VTIs have right numbers & quality ? Equipment either not working or not used, no maintenance plans in place ? Programme or curriculum offered is the same: either NCC or BTEP based ? Industry input to curricula unknown RESULTS ? Trainers ? Numbers inadequate ? Not trained in use of certain equipment ? Not an attractive job, trainers leave for in