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Chapter six trans process.ppt

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Chapter six trans process.ppt



文档介绍:Translation Process Translation Process What are involved What are involved in the process in the process Process-oriented Translation Process-oriented Translation ?? Prescriptive translation studies Prescriptive translation studies ?? Product-oriented translation studies Product-oriented translation studies ?? Descriptive translation studies Descriptive translation studies ?? Process-oriented translation studies Process-oriented translation studies ?? Explanatory translation studies Explanatory translation studies ?? Descriptive-explanatory study in translation Descriptive-explanatory study in translation 再现手法与初级模式对应,表现再现手法与初级模式对应,表现手法与高级模式对应手法与高级模式对应?? Expressionistic approach Expressionistic approach 原原理解过程理解过程表达过程表达过程译译语语( (1 1)语言感知)语言感知( (1 1)计划制定)计划制定语语阅阅( (2 2)结构分析)结构分析( (2 2)命题配列)命题配列写写读读( (3 3)命题配列)命题配列( (3 3)结构析出)结构析出作作( (4 4)计划追踪)计划追踪( (4 4)语言表现)语言表现理解转换表达翻译心理过程高级模式翻译心理过程高级模式?? Impressionistic approach Impressionistic approach ( (1 1)语言感知)语言感知( ( 2 2 )语义掌握)语义掌握理解理解(读) (读) 表达(写) (1)语义析出(2)语言表现 What is Process-oriented Translation What is Process-oriented Translation Studies Studies ?? In its narrow sense, it refers to the studies that is In its narrow sense, it refers to the studies that is concerned with an examination of the mental process concerned with an examination of the mental process involved in the act of translating. involved in the act of translating. ?? The control factors that operate in the literary system The control factors that operate in the literary system and the various forms of rewriting and the various forms of rewriting ?? All factors that manipulate the process and product of All factors that manipulate the process and product of rewriting rewriting ?? psychological techniques psychological techniques What is Process-oriented Translation What is Process-oriented Translation Studies Studies ?? In its broad sense, it involves the choice of texts, In its broad sense, it involves the choice of texts, text productio


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