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上传人:guoxiachuanyue007 2021/4/14 文件大小:130 KB





文档介绍:: .
托福独立写作考试中,高频话题有教育类话题、工作类话题和年轻人类话题。地 于这几类话题大家平时练****的得怎么样呢 ?小站教育编辑在这里为大家带来了托 福独立写作工作类话题的范文及解析,希望对大家 托福写作提分有帮助。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For success in a future job, the ability to relate well to people is more importa nt tha n studying hard in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your an swer.
Every one in the society is seek ing for success in career, but what is the key factor of beco ming successful? There are two choices - good
n etwork ing and hardworki ng. Although some one tends to choose the first aspect, I definitely agree that hardworking at school should be a key factor of success. Without hardwork ing at school, success in the future cannot be guara nteed.
To gain success in our future career, we must have solid knowledge of the field we choose. Under this circumstanee, doing hard at school is the best way to equip ourselves with backgro und kno wledge. Although sometimes we mayfind things we have studied at school sort of unpractical, it is basic to handle real problems at work. Take myself as an example; I studied how to in terview, how to write summaries and journals and how to makecomme nts
on subjects at school. I worked very hard and in the third year, I got
a cha nce to be an in tern in Chi na Econo mic Daily.