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文档介绍:瑞士名表大全支付宝、财付通付款美橙表业/ / 全国最大的手表批发零售网站 1 摩凡陀标准石英表手表皮带摩凡陀标准石英表手表皮带旅游, 摩凡陀标准石英表手表皮带组团, 摩凡陀标准石英表手表皮带攻略! 摩卡名表/ Rolex The precision ofa watch is the function of its movement. For Rolex and for Hans Wilsdorf, to guarantee the precision ofa time piece, the pressing question was how to protect the movement itself from the elements, not only water, but also tiny particles of dust. In 1926, a major step was taken with the creation of the world ’s first water-proof and dust-proof wrist watch. The Rolex Oyster was born. Over the years, subtle changes in the design continue to improve the Oyster, adding fort while keeping the style contemporary. And along with style, more functions have been added. A Rolex wrist watch was the first to show the date for a small aperture on the face. It was also the first wrist watch to spell out the day of the week in full. In the early 1950s, Rolex developed Professional Watches whose functions went far beyond telling the time. Launched in 1953, the submariner was the first Rolex watch guaranteed water-proof toa depth of 330 feet. Already on an incredible journey of innovation and design, Rolex decided to push the boundaries even further. In 1960, the Bathyscaph Trieste and Rolex made history. The submersible essfully dived to 35,800 feet below the surface of the ocean---a Rolex Deep Sea Special was strapped to the outside. The development of undersea explora