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    Once there was a King and a Queen。 For many years they had wanted a child, and no child had come to them。
    Then the Queen had a child. It was a girl。 The King was very glad.
    You know what a fairy is. Many fairies lived near the King's house. When the Queen's child came, the King went to all the fairies and said, "The Queen has a child. Do come to the house and see our new little girl.” All the fairies said, "We are very glad: we will come today ."
    One of the fairies had gone away on a journey: she had been very far away。 She had not come back when the Queen’s child came. When she came back, one of the fairies said to her, "The Queen has a child, and the King came to us and said, "Come and see our new little girl. "”
    But this fairy was a bad fairy; the bad fairy said, "The King went to all of you: why did he not come to me? I shall go and see the King’s child; but I shall give her some bad thing.”
    All the good fairies went to the King’s house, and saw the little girl; and they all gave her some good thing。 One said, "I give her this good thing: she shall have riches。” One fairy said, "I give her this good thing; she shall become a brave woman。” One said, ”I give her this good thing: she shall become a good woman。" All gave some good thing。
    Then there came the bad fairy。 She said, "The King went to all the fairies but h


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